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Consul Spiridion Foresti.

Id: 0845
Subject: International
Category: Letter
Language: English
Archive: The National Archives
Collection: FO: Records created or inherited by the Foreign Office
Reference: FO 42
Folder: FO 42/8 1806
Page range:53-56
Dispatch date: 04-04-1806
Dispatcher: Foresti Spiridion (Grand Vizier)
Recipient: Mulgrave (The Right Honorable Lord)
Tags: International     


Επιστολή (Αρ.14) του Φορέστη (Κέρκυρα 4 Απριλίου 1806) προς τον The Right Honorable Lord Mulgrave His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Foreign Department με την οποία τον ενημερώνει για τις κινήσεις των Ρώσων στο Κάτταρο ενώ τον ενημερώνει και για την πραγματικότητα που βιώνουν τα Επτάνησα, των οποίων οι πρόσοδοι δεν επαρκούν για την κάλυψη των αναγκών των ρωσικών δυνάμεων σε Αδριατική και Ιόνιο, καθώς δίνονται πολλά χρήματα για στρατιωτικούς κοιτώνες, για νοσοκομείο, για την άμυνα και τα κάστρα. Κτλ. Από την άλλη αναφέρεται και στο εμπόριο (εξαγωγικά προϊόντα) των Επτανήσων με την Αδριατική, το οποίο δεν μπορεί να διεξαχθεί μετά την απόφαση των Ρώσων για επιβολή ναυτικού αποκλεισμού στα αδριατικά λιμάνια, με αποτέλεσμα το λάδι των νησιών να παραμένει απούλητο. Επίσης τονίζει πως αν θέλει η Βρετανία να ελέγχει την Αδριατική δεν θα πρέπει να βασίζεται στους Ρώσους αλλά να έχει δικά της πολεμικά πλοία σε αυτά τα νέρα.
Συγκεκριμένα για τα Επτάνησα αναφέρει ο Φορέστης:
The Russians here experience great difficulty in procuring money for the pay of their forces. The whole of Italy with Trieste is no longer open for this purpose. It is not easily practicable under the present circumstances to send large sums in specie from Constantinople overland to Corfu; and by sea the delay and uncertainty is great. The revenue of the Settinsular Republic, about three hundred thousand dollars, has hitherto answered many branches of expenditure incurred by the Russians; such as repairs and furniture for hospitals; repairs and furniture of houses for the civil and military authorities together with certain honorary salaries for the same etc. These frequent and large demands upon the revenue have occasioned a considerable deficiency in the public accounts and the difficulty of continuing these supplies becomes now much greater as the whole produce of the crop of oil in this island, which is biennial, amounting to about three hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling, the amount of which is always sent in specie to Venice, remain now unsold, owing to that part and others in the Adriatic having been declared by the Russians in a state of blockade as reported in my number 8 of the 3rd ultimo. It is not easy to export this article, the only staple of this Island, to any other place; as specie alone is required in exchange as the means of exporting it, such as staves and casks, are not to be procured here; these being always sent from Venice in the ships employed for the oil trade. Five Danish ships however arrived here a few days ago from Venice and Trieste to load with oil. The master intend to clear out for Trieste. But it is obvious that Venice is their destination. The British consul has refused to attest their manifests.
Details of the occupation of Cattaro by the Russians, and the immediate consequences of that event in the neighbouring counries, the friendly behavior of the inhabitants, the embarkation of the Austrian garrison for Trieste etc etc. The Russians at and in the neighbourhood of Corfu were much distressed for money, the revenue of the 7. Islands being only about 300,000 dollars is inadequate to their supply and the produce of oil in Corfu remaining unsold on account of the blockade of the ports of the Adriatic. 5 Danish ships clearing for Trieste but evidently for Venice with oil, have been refused their manifest by the British consul – a conduct not imitated by other consuls – whose indulgence in this respect defeats, in a great measure, the effects of the blockade.

The research project is implemented within the framework of the Action “Supporting Postdoctoral Researchers» of the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" (Action’s Beneficiary: General Secretariat for Research and Technology), and is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Greek State.