Επιστολή του Richard Oakes προς τον William Eden στο Λονδίνο (Αγία Πετρούπολη, 5/16 Απριλίου 1776), με την οποία ενημερώνει το Λονδίνο σχετικά με το εμπορικό άνοιγμα της Ρωσίας σε Μεσόγειο και Μαύρη Θάλασσα με χρήση ρωσικών σκαφών, αλλά και με την βοήθεια από δύο άγγλους υπήκοους, οι οποίοι δραστηριοποιούνταν εμπορικώς στην Ρωσία και από τους οποίους ζητήθηκε να συνδράμουν στην προσπάθεια για ανάπτυξη του ρωσικού μαυροθαλασσίτικου εμπορίου. Το σχέδιο των Ρώσων, κατά τον Oakes, είναι η δημιουργία ενός εμπορικού οίκου στην Κωνσταντινούπολη διοικούμενου από δύο ξένους και έναν Ρώσο, και τα εμπορεύματα που αποφέρουν κέρδος θα φτάνουν από Αγγλία, Ολλανδία στην Πόλη καθώς και εμπορεύματα της Ρωσίας.
Συγκεκριμένα ο Oakes γράφει:
I deferred acquainting you with the resolution taken by this government of sending three or four frigates, loaded with the different productions of this country, for their own account to the Mediterranean, and to Constantinople, till I was able to get more particular information concerning the plan on which this commercial operation was to be conducted, as I could not persuade myself, that, after the unsuccessful experiments they had made of this kind, they would attempt any more in the same manner. I find, that the plan adopted, and which will be carried into immediate execution, is that of establishing a house at Constantinople to consist of two foreigners well acquainted with Trade, and one Russian. To these factors, or agents, several of Her Imperial Majesty’s ships are to be consigned annually, and according to their advices the cargoes are to be formed here by the Court Banker, who, supported by the Procurer General, has been the projector of this measure. The two foreigners pitched upon are Englishmen, who are at present here, the one named James, the other Eton. The former is a merchant settled at Constantinople, and who, being desirous of trading in the Black Sea, came hither to solicit the protection of this court for that purpose, and the permission to build a vessel on the Don at his own expense, of a construction proper for the navigation of that Sea, and which might serve as a model for the Russians; but his request meeting with no attention for a long time, he was preparing to return to Constantinople, when a few days ago this proposal was made to him. Mr. Eton was some time ago consul, or agent for the States General at Bassora. Being returned to England, Mons. Moussin Pouschin encouraged him to come to this country, on a schema of planting tobacco in the Ukraine, as he pretended to have a method of cultivation superior to that commonly known. Soon after his arrival here, which was three weeks ago, he found that the execution of his planting project was not feasible, and has now entered into this new erected scheme of agency. He is to sail with the ships, which are to commanded by an officer of Her Imperial Majesty’s navy, and Mr. James goes earlier by land to Constantinople. This Turkey trade on government’s account is not intended to be in future confined to the productions of this country; but what commodities their factors represent at any times as being of profitable vent at the Porte, are to be purchased in England, Holland, or elsewhere, and carried thither in Russian ships, which they flatter themselves they can do with more advantage than any other nation, except the French, on account of the low duties they pay in consequence of their late treaty of peace, according to which they are to be treated in this point upon an equality with the most favored nation.